When corona\samizdat published Tendrilopolis by the Serbian author Vesna Radić, there was little fanfare; that is to say, marketing. The book got one terrific review that compared it favorably to an erotic book by Coover. That was good enough. I was happy.
Apparently, Radić was not, as writing her erotic epistolary novel engorged new life into her organs and such, and out of the blue came The Rado Letters. The cover speaks for itself? No, it speaks for the novel itself. Covers do speak, though, and this masterpiece by Z. Tanner had to be done in real gold paper.
In the introduction by Manxman John Dickson you get this among many other lines: "Have you ever experienced a rejection that has demoralized, humiliated, and insulted you to the point that when reading a lover's missive you have become so enraged you have violently wiped your own ass with it, and then eaten it, a frustration that has had you breaking your own nose, screaming a Hamlet soliloquy to the rain blasted night and speaking in tongues?
"If not and you're curious, this short novel is just the extreme scenario ride along you've been looking for, a safari through a dangerous liaison but from a safe perspective--almost."